Bathroom Remodel in Governor's Palace Condos
Governor’s Palace Condo Remodel
February 3, 2017

R&R BBQ was rapidly outgrowing their original location near downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. They had been expanding into more catering projects but were running out of room to support that service in their current location. As luck would have it, a nearby tenant in their building moved out, and they jumped at the opportunity to expand their catering business to the vacant space. Black Lab Construction was a frequent customer of theirs, and we offered to help them with the project. In just a few short weeks, BLC revamped the new space, adding a custom hood and grill, custom wash sink system, a custom reception counter that included refrigerator units, a tile mop sink, a grease trap, and we even convinced them to upgrade their freezer storage unit to a larger capacity to support their rapid growth; at first they balked thinking they wouldn't need that much space, but it was FULL by that weekend! R&R BBQ began offering catering from their new space July 24th weekend in 2015. We were in such a hurry to meet the deadline that we forgot to take photos! (Sorry!) Long will we love good BBQ!




Downtown Salt Lake, Utah

Project Date:

Summer 2015


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